4th St. Gallen Radiation Oncology Informatics Meeting

After a break of more than 2 years, we have organized the 4th St.Gallen Radiation Oncology Informatics Meeting. It took place on March 25, 2022 in St. Gallen - under the name of  the International Society for Radiation Oncology Informatics (ISROI) - founded in 2020. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange ideas and to network.

On behalf of the ISROI president and the ISROI board, we would like to thank all the participants who attended this meeting. You all have contributed to the success of this meeting with your presence and your contributions. It was simply great.

We hope to be able to welcome you to St. Gallen in the years to come.

DGMP Akademie

The DGMP Academy will host a new digital advanced training series as a Zoom Webinar from October 2021.
ISROI supports this event with several contributions on the subject of medical informatics.
You can find out more about this event on the following website: 


The following webinars from the field of medical informatics are available:

20.04.2022           Klinische Medizininformatik (Felix Heinemann)
04.05.2022           Medizininformatik: Digitalisierung und Automatisierung (Samuel Peters)
01.06.2022           Medizininformatik: Protokolle und Schnittstellen( Harald Fahrner)

KAI Workshop in Freiburg cancelled

Due to the current Covid-19 situation the Freiburg meeting (KAI Workshop) was cancelled for 2020. As soon as a new date is found more information will be available at isroi.org .

ISROI etablished

ISROI was officially established on the 12th of May, 2020.